Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Eighteen month check-up

A brief note. My 18 month post cancer treatment check-up with the ENT went indication of cancer... there is one sort of mysterious cut on the side of my tongue that is bothersome, but he said it did not look like anything that he would need to biopsy... and that it could be related to the saliva issues (dry mouth) and my tongue rubbing against my back teeth when I talk... if it gets worse... then he'll take a more serious look at it... the other small pains I reported are just random lingering radiation related after effects. The pains themselves are completely manageable, it is always what they might mean that concerns me. He said... not to worry - everything looks good.

So... it never is quite perfect... but I am happy and grateful (with a tiny pocket of small concern)

It has been a beautiful spring and I am walking and doing a bit of biking, and loving it. It seems the older I get, the more the weather can impact my mood. These days... that's a good thing!

An appropriate Chinese proverb to ponder:

A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses.

A cyber-rose to you all.


  1. Great news, and no need for concern. The spring is too lovely a time to be concerned. The trees are flowering, the birds are singing and the Divine's artistic Hand is everywhere. Rejoice in your "all clear" report and enjoy all of the colours of the day!

  2. Praise BE to our Gracious God! I've been reading your blog, Steve, however as I've been caught up in my own swirl lately have not commented. Imagine all the vibrational lurkers such as myself who read, give thanks and yet don't put fingers to the keyboard. I am SO glad your checkup ROCKS!
