Monday, July 19, 2010

the weight of aloneness

"put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into the conversation..."  is a line from a David Whyte poem.  A good line.   Here's why I love to blog:  As I am typing, I am easing into a conversation.  There may or may not be a response. But as you are reading this, are we not, indeed, conversing? I know by the nature of how this works that I am not talking to myself, because, indeed, you are reading this right now.   BAM...we are can't be undone.  You can erase the history on your computer, you can log off in an instant...but we have connected right here and now through these very words...go ahead...try to leave...can you stop reading mid-sentence?...sure you can...but you haven' are still here... 

and for some mysterious reason,  I think that's great.

I am going to write and write and each day or week, some words will show up, and one or two will check this out.  It just works that way.  And, better yet,  if it doesn't work that way, you, reader,  wont know it because you wont be here to see it...ahhh... it spares me the embarrassment!  I just hope that somehow there will be some meaning or value to the time that you invest in reading.  And look at this... you are still here, of your own volition!   Unlike some conversations I've had, you are in no way obligated to be here reading right just feel like it.   Haven't we all been in conversations where it slowly dawns on us (often while we are speaking) that the person we are talking to really isn't  listening to what we are saying?  Not are completely free to leave and never come back.  And if you choose to's totally your free choice.  And, as well, you are completely free to comment or not.  If you do, great; if not, that little number counter to the right, (which says "0" as I write this) will tell me someone was here (providing the technology works, and I am not sure it's working yet) and it tickles me to know I've had a visitor.

I am no writer, but I am moved by words.   So I will frequently include the words of real writers often.

Like the phrase...

"The weight of aloneness"

 Four words....but how incredibly powerful!

So even now, at this very moment,  I am easing into a conversation with you ...a slow conversation, and I'm doing most of the talking, but, still... it's cool!


  1. Welcome anew to your next level sitting room, Steve.... in a way I mourn that I would prefer to spend time reading the creative outpourings of those I care for than being in insipid conversations with others and thinking, "The door... it's not far...." Where is my patience for the dull and annoying?

    I think I'm #2 visitor. Very cool inDEED. And of course I'm rather narcissistically attached to the date July 19th as well. :-) May the gifts and weights of each day touch us!

  2. Here's me easing into the conversation, happy to think of the words that will be waiting in the weeks and months ahead, the welcome voices--your own, the writers you admire, the visitors here.
