Monday, April 4, 2011

We are not helpless

Today was one of those synchronistic days... everything built on everything else and I felt really inspired by God, people, poetry, music, and on and on. I felt high. I've been thinking about the idea of the neuroplasticity of the brain and how incredibly exciting the implications are of this. I am thinking about undertaking some re-wiring of my own brain in an intentional manner... through meditation, and through being intentional about what I think, read, ponder, pray, create... days like today, I think I am on the verge of something... I also wonder on days like today if I have a touch of mania operating... my mind gets to racing a bit. Anyway... I felt like hugging everyone today and blessing them (truth is, I didn't hug anyone, but I felt like it). I hope in some way I blessed everyone I spoke with ... You know, we are not helpless to change, and it is never too late to renew our minds... it is NEVER too late... imagine that... we get "do-overs" all through our life... if only we could more fully engage that truth! We have such a merciful God! We get do-overs in body, mind, and soul...we are forgiven...we are renewable...and we are so NOT helpless!

Tomorrow, I go for my year and half check-up with the ENT... then in two weeks with the oncologist. I still have these phantom pains, and I will be very relieved to get a good report, should that be the case. Should it not be the case... I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.

Speaking of is a wonderful musical moment...I wish the title of the song were different, maybe something like "All my Changes." but nonetheless... wow... Neil Young and the Band. Could it get any better?


  1. Catching up on your posts, I'm so glad I read these this night. Help-FULL.

  2. I replaced my old VHS copy of The Band with a DVD a couple of years ago. It's still in the shrink wrap. Maybe someday. I'm sorry I missed my hug. Congratulations on your all clear. No one is guaranteed tomorrow but very few people face that fact.
